Friday, February 23, 2018

4K - La rap d'entree

4K - Voici la rap d'entree qu'on va dire chaque jour!!!

On ouvre la tete
On prend l’anglais
On met l’anglais dans la poubelle.

On prend le francais
On met le francais dans la tete
On ferme la tete

Maintenant, tout le monde
Parle seulement en francais,
Pas en anglais.

On traverse la ligne magique!

4K - Bonjour tout le monde!

4 K - Bonjour tout le monde!

Thanks for a great first week of new vocabulary, games and activities!

Next week we will begin learning our vocabulary for Le chat et a lune. Below is a copy of the vocabulary for the unit for you to review at home, along with our commonly used words that we will be using in class on a daily basis!

Merci bien!
Mme Soloway

Unit 2:  Le chat et la lune”

bonjour                                = hello
tout le monde                   = everyone/everybody
fait                                         = makes/does
(le/un) cercle                    = (the/a) circle
je                                            = I
m'appelle                           = am called
madame                              = Mrs.
monsieur                            = Mr.
t'appelles                           = are called (you)
s'appelle                             = is called (he/she)
tu (singulier)                      = you (followed by verb)
comment ça va?               = how are you?
dit                                          = says
ça va bien                            = (I am) fine
mal                                        = (I am) not well
comme ci, comme ça     = so-so
et                                            = and
toi                                          = you
lève-toi                                = get up
assieds-toi                          = sit down
saute                                     = jump
arrête                                   = stop
très                                        = very
marche                                 = walk
court                                     = run
c'est                                      = it is/it’s
fantastique                        = fantastic
les                                          = the (plural)
(l'/une) action = (the/an) action/gesture
quand                                   = when
la (féminin)                        = the
(la/une) classe = the/a class
de                                           = of/from
d'  ( +  voyelle)  = of/from
français                                = French
commence                         = start
finit                                       = finish
au revoir                              = goodbye
(l') eau                 = (the) water
boit                                        = drinks
si                                             = if/so
veut                                       = want
aller                                       = to go
(les/des) toilettes           = (the/some) toilets/washrooms
est-ce que                          = precedes a question (no direct translation in English)
peut                                      = can
                                            = where
est/es/suis                         = is/are/am
non                                        = no
oui                                         = yes
j'ai                                          = I have
oublié                                   = forgot/forgotten
fou (masculin)   = crazy
folle (féminin)                  = crazy
me rappelle                       = remember (I)
se rappelle                         = remembers (he/she)
ici                                           = here
là-bas                    = over there
maintenant                        = now
doit                                        = has to/must
parle                                     = speak/talk
seulement                          = only
en                                           = in
pas                                         = not
(l') anglais                           = (the) English
tombe                                  = falls
se lève                                 = gets up
s'assoit                                 = sits down
ça                                            = this/that
un                                           = a/one
(le/un) chapeau               = (the/a) hat
met                                        = puts on
enlève                                  = takes off
comme                                 = like
le (masculin)                      = the
(le/un) soulier = (the/a) shoe
(le/un) manteau              = (the/a) coat
qu'est-ce que                    = what
cherche                                = looks for
trouvé                  = found
il                                             = he
elle                                        = she
ou                                           = or
écoute                                  = listens
à/au/aux                             = to/at (au/aux = to the/at the)
(la/une) porte   = (the/a) door
ouvre                                    = open
ferme                                   = close
(le/un) livre                       = (the/a) book
(la/une) bouche               = (the/a) mouth
(les) yeux                            = (the) eyes
une (f.)                                 = a/one
excellent (m.)                   = excellent
excellente (f.)                   = excellent
je sais                                   = I know
je ne sais pas                     = I don’t know
va                                           = go
vient                                     = come
reste                                     = stay
ne…pas                                = negative (no direct English translation)
(l'/une) école                    = (the/a) school
regarde                                = look
bravo                                    = bravo
(la/une) fille                      = (the/a) girl
(le/un) garçon                   = (the/a) boy
pour                                      = for
comprend                           = understand
on                                           = one/we
sort                                        = go out/exit
entre                                     = enter
frappe                  = hit/knock
avec                                       = with
moi                                        = me
(la/une) salle                    = (the/a) room
traverse                               = cross
(la/une) ligne                    = (the/a) line
magique                              = magical
fatigué(e)                           = tired
vite                                        = quick/quickly
lentement                          = slowly
(la/une) chaise = (the/a) chair
(le/un) mot                        = (the/a) word
donne                                   = give
prend                                    = take
garde                                    = keep
laisse                                    = leave
(le/un) crayon                   = (the/a) pencil
merci                                    = thank you
de rien                 = you’re welcome
s'il te plaît                          = please
(la/une) feuille de papier = (the/a) piece of paper
sur                                          = on
sous                                       = under
(la/une) table                   = (the/a) table
(le/un) pupitre = (the/a) desk
(le/un) plancher              = (the/a) floor
(la/une) tête                     = (the/a) head
avoir                                      = to have
autre                                     = other
chaud (m.)                          = hot
chaude (f.)                          = hot
froid (m.)                            = cold
froide (f.)                            = cold
choisit                  = choose
a/as                                       = has/have
premier (m.)                      = first
première (f.)                     = first
deuxième                           = second
troisième                            = third
mais                                      = but
alors                                      = so
aussi                                      = also
(la/une) gomme              = (the/an) eraser
des                                         = some
(le/un) stylo                      = (the/a) pen
masculin                              = masculine
féminin                                = feminine
singulier                              = singular
pluriel                                  = plural
mon (m.)                             = my
ma (f.)                                  = my
mes (pl.)                              = my
ton (m.)                               = your
ta (f.)                                     = your
tes (pl.)                                = your
son (m.)                               = his/her
sa (f.)                                    = his/her
ses (pl.)                                = his/her
(le/un) chat                        = (the/a) cat
(le/un) chien                     = (the/a) dog
(le/un) cochon  = (the/a) pig
(le/un) loup                       = (the/a) wolf
efface                                   = erase
(la/une) faute                   = (the/a) mistake
 voici                                      = here is
l'  ( + voyelle/h)                = the
(l’/une) histoire               = (the/a) story
trois                                       = three
grand (m.)                           = big
grande (f.)                          = big
petit (m.)                            = small
petite (f.)                            = small
joue                                       = play
(la/une) guitare               = (the/a) guitar
gentil(le)                             = nice
méchant (m.)                    = mean
méchante (f.)                    = mean
travaille, (le/un) travail  = work, (the/a) work
(un) peu                              = (a) little
beaucoup                            = a lot
aime                                      = likes/loves
(la/une) musique            = (the/a) music
danse                                    = dance
chante                  = sing
(la/une) maison               = (the/a) house
paille                                    = straw
content (m.)                      = happy
contente (f.)                      = happy
triste                                     = sad
(le) bois                               = (the) wood
(la/une) brique = (the/a) brick
(le/un) jour                        = (the/a) day
du (m .)                                = of the/from the
entend                                 = hears
parce que                            = because
qu'est-ce qui se passe?= what’s happening?
crie                                        = shouts
tout à coup                         = all of a sudden
voit                                        = sees
souffle                 = blows
fort (m.)                               = strong
forte (f.)                              = strong
tellement                           = so
que                                        = that
monte                  = goes up, climbs
descend                               = goes down, descends
par                                         = through/by
(la/une) cheminée         = (the/a) chimney
fais attention                    = pay attention
il y a                                       = there is/are
(la/une) soupe                 = (the/a) soupe
(le/un) feu                         = (the/a) fire
dans                                      = in
au secours!                         = help!
frappe                  = clap   
(la/une) main                    = (the/a) hand
pleure                                  = cries
(la/une) fin                        = (the/an) end
pourquoi                             = why
aujourd'hui                        = today
pense                                   = thinks
(l'/un) ami (m); (l'/une) amie (f) = (the/a) friend; (the/a) friend
pardon                 = pardon
(le/un) vidéo                     = (the/a) video
(la/une) télé/télévision= (the/a) TV/television
(la/une) pièce                   = (the/a) play
(l'/un) acteur                     = (the/a) actor
répète                                  = repeat
mémorise                           = memorize
présente                             = present
(la/une) famille               = (the/a) family
(la/une) mère (maman) = (the/a) mother (mom)
(le/un) père (papa)        = (the/a) father (dad)
(la/une) grandmère (grandmaman) = (the/a)grandmother (grandma)
(le/un) grandpère (grandpapa) = (the/a) grandfather (grandpa)
(le/un) frère                      = (the/a) brother
(la/une) soeur                  = (the/a) sister
(la/une) gardienne         = (the/a) babysitter
(l’/un) animal    = (the/an) animal
(la/une) poubelle           = (the/a) garbage
apporte                                = brings
(la/une) lettre = (the/a)letter
deux                                      = two
quatre                                  = four
cinq                                       = five
six                                          = six
sept                                       = seven
huit                                        = eight
neuf                                      = nine
dix                                          = ten
(la/une) minute               = (the/a) minute
(le/un) parent                   = (the/a) parent
(la/une) personne          = (the/a) person
(la/une) chose = (the/a) thing
ce n'est pas                        = it is not
prêt (m.)                              = ready
prête (f.)                             = ready
même                                   = same
different (m.)                    = different
différente (f.)                   = different
(un/le) groupe  = (the/a) group
(le/un) point                     = (the/a) point
aide                                       = helps
compte                                = counts
(le/un) nombre                = (the/a) number
onze                                      = eleven
douze                                   = twelve
treize                                    = thirteen
quatorze                              = fourteen
quinze                                  = fifteen
seize                                     = sixteen
dix-sept                               = seventeen
dix-huit                                = eighteen
dix-neuf                              = nineteen
vingt                                      = twenty
trente                                   = thirty
quarante                             = forty
cinquante                           = fifty
soixante                              = sixty
combien de                        = how many
(le/un) nom                       = (the/a) name
(la/une) chanson             = (the/a) song
qui                                         = who
(le/un) lecteur de disque compact          = (the/a) compact disc player
(le/un) disque compact  = (the/a) compact disc
peur                                      = afraid
(la/une) fois                      = (the/a) time
lit                                            = reads
(le/un) doigt                      = (the/a) finger
tourne                  = turn
(la/une) page                    = (the/a) page
(le/un) narrateur             = (the/a) narrator
(le/un) personnage        = (the/a) character
taille                                     = sharpen
casse                                     = break
(le/un) problème            = (the/a) problem
par accident                       = by accident
désolé(e)                            = sorry
bon (m.)                              = good
bonne (f.)                           = good
écrit                                       = write
copie                                     = copy
coche                                    = checkmark
tout le temps                    = all the tim
passe                                    = pass/hand out
ramasse                               = collect
colorie                  = colour
(la/une) couleur              = (the/a) colour
rose                                       = pink
gris (m.)                               = gray
grise (f.)                               = gray
jaune                                    = yellow
brun (m.)                             = brown
brune (f.)                            = brown
rouge                                    = red
(le/un) cahier                    = (the/a) workbook
(la/une) chemise             = the folder (also “shirt”)
(le/un) côté                       = (the/a) side
presque                               = almost
(la/une) chance                = (the/a) chance
(le/un) couloir  = (the/a) hallway
(la/une) carte                    = (the/a) card
(la/une) boîte                   = (the/a) bin/box
encore                  = again
(la/une) question            = (the/a) question
(la/une) réponse             = (the/a) answer
après                                     = after
(la/une) marionnette    = (the/a) puppet
être                                       = to be
en ordre                              = in order
dessine                                = draw
gagné                                    = won
(le/un) prix                        = (the/a) prize
plus                                       = more
(le/un) test                        = (the/a) test
change                 = change
(la/une) phrase                = (the/a) sentence
complet (m.)                     = complete
complète (f.)                     = complete
bizarre                  = bizarre
corrige                  = correct
(la/une) poche = (the/a) pocket
(le/un) sac                          = (the/a) bag
mange                  = eat
(la/une) balle                    = (the/a) ball
(la/une) semaine            = (the/a) week
lundi                                     = Monday
mardi                                    = Tuesday
mercredi                             = Wednesday
jeudi                                     = Thursday
vendredi                             = Friday
samedi                 = Saturday
dimanche                            = Sunday
hier                                        = yesterday
était                                      = was
c'était                                   = that/it was
demain                                = tomorrow
prochain (m.)                    = next
prochaine (f.)                    = next
coupe                                   = cut
(la/une) queue = (the/a) line (also “tail”)
(le/un) numéro                = (the/a) number
quel(le)                               = what/which
(la/une) date                     = (the/a) date
(le/un) mois                      = (the/a) month
(la/une) année                 = (the/a) year
septembre                         = September
octobre                                = October
novembre                           = November
décembre                           = December
janvier                  = January
février                                  = February
mars                                      = March
avril                                       = April
mai                                        = May
juin                                        = June
juillet                                    = July
août                                       = August
mille                                     = thousand
chuchote                             = whisper
signe                                     = sign

Unit 2:  “Comment  y aller?”/ “Boucles Violettes”


Section A

d'accord                               = okay
le contraire                        = the opposite
(la/une) fenêtre              = (the/a) window
(la/une) lumière              = (the/a) light
(l'/un) ordinateur            = (the/a) computer
perdu                                    = lost
bleu(e)                                 = blue
vert (m.)                              = green
verte (f.)                              = green
violet (m.)                          = purple
violette (f.)                        = purple
noir(e)                                  = black
blanc (m.)                           = white
blanche (f.)                        = white
orange                                  = orange
porte                                     = wears
(les/des) vêtements      = (the/some) clothing
(le/un) pantalon              = (the/some) pants
(le/un) t-shirt                    = (the/a) T-shirt
(la/une) robe                    = (the/a) dress
(la/une)  jupe                    = (the/a) skirt
dehors                  = outside
(la/une) récréation         = (the/a) recess
(le/un) piano                     = (the/a) piano
devant                                  = in front
derrière                               = behind
à côté de                             = beside
(le/la) meilleur(e)          = (the) best
excité(e)                             = excited
montre                                 = shows
nouveau/nouvel (m.)    = new
nouvelle (f.)                      = new
habite                                   = lives
Québec                                = Quebec
(le) Canada                         = Canada
Paris                                      = Paris
(la) France                          = France
décide de                            = decides to
près de                 = close to
loin de                                  = far from
y                                              = there
(le/un) pied                       = (the/a) foot
vrai                                        = true
conduit                                = drives
(l’/une) auto                      = (the/a) car
(la/une) policière            = (the/a) policewoman
(la/une) rue                       = (the/a) street
ça marche                           = it works
ça ne marche pas             = it doesn’t work
vraiment                             = really
dommage                           = too bad
quand même                     = anyways
(le/un) train                       = (the/a) train
(le/un) conducteur         = (the/a) conductor
(le/un) bateau                  = (the/a) boat
(le/un) capitaine             = (the/a) captain
en haut                                = above
en bas                                   = below
vole                                       = flies
(le/un) ciel                         = (the/a) sky
dedans                 = inside
(le/un) extraterrestre = (the/a) extraterrestial
(la/une) soucoupe volante = (the/a) flying saucer
(la/une) terre                    = (the/a) earth
arrive                                    = arrives
parti(e)                                = left
(l'/un) avion                      = (the/a) plane
te                                            = you
quelque                               = some/several
quelque chose                  = something
quelqu'un                           = someone
quelquefois                       = sometimes
(le) temps                           = (the) weather
pleut                                     =  rains
(le/un) soleil                     = (the/a) sun
brille                                     = shines
(le/un) nuage                    = (the/a) cloud
neige                                    = snow
(la/une) tante                   = (the/a) aunt
(l’/un) oncle                      = (the/a) uncle
(le/un) cousin (m.)         = (the/a) cousin
(la/une) cousine (f.)       = (the/a) cousin
ensemble                           = together
important (m.)  = important
importante (f.) = important
(l'/une) expression        = (the/an) expression
dort                                       = sleeps
se réveille                          = wakes up
utilise                                   = uses
par exemple                      = for example
s'en aller                             = to get going
croit                                       = believes
pauvre                  = poor
bouge                                   = moves
ne bouge pas                     = doesn’t move
sourit                                    = smiles
lève                                       = raise
baisse                                   = lower
(l’/un) enseignant (m.) = (the/a) teacher
(l’/une) enseignante (f.) = (the/a) teacher
quatrième                          = fourth
cinquième                          = fifth
sixième                                = sixth
(l’/un) image                     = (the/a) picture 
(le/un) château                = (the/a) castle
(la/une) tour                     = (the/a) tower

Section D

lance                                     = throws
attrape                                 = catches
(l'/une) activité                = (the/an) activity
difficile                                = difficult
facile                                     = easy
dernier (m.)                       = last
dernière (f.)                       = last
correct (m.)                        = correct
correcte (f.)                        = correct
cette (f.)                              = this
ce (m.)                  = this
ces                                         = these
(le/un) chandail               = (the/a) sweater
passé(e)                              = past
continue                              = continues
(le/un) spectateur          = (the/a) spectator
(le/un) dos                         = (the/a) back
(l’/un) espace                   = (the/a) space
avant                                     = before
beau                                      = handsome
belle                                     = beautiful
fâché(e)                               = mad
rit                                           = laughs
drôle                                     = funny
surpris (m.)                        = surprised
surprise (f.)                        = surprised
intelligent (m.) = intelligent
intelligente (f.) = intelligent
malade                 = sick
peut-être                            = maybe
(l'/un) escalier  = (the/a) stairs
(la/une) pizza                    = (the/a) pizza
(le/un) sandwich             = (the/a) sandwich
(la/une) salade = (the/a) salade
(le/un) déjeuner             = (the/a) breakfast
 je vais                                   = I go/am going
(les/des) vacances          = (the/some) holidays
espère                                  = hopes
(la/une) présentation = (the/a) presentation
essaie                                   = tries
lave                                       = washes
se lave                  = washes oneself
sal(e)                                    = dirty
propre                  = clean
(les) cheveux                    = (the) hair
(le/un) visage                   = (the/a) face
tout seul (m.)                    = all alone
toute seule (f.) = all alone
me                                         = me (reflexive)
(l’/un) oiseau                    = (the/a) bird
(le/un) rôle                        = (the/a) role
(le/un) costume               = (the/a) costume
(la/une) voix                     = (the/a) voice
demande                            = asks
ont                                         = have (plural)
vont                                       = go (pl.)
font                                       = make/do (pl.)
sont                                       = are (pl.)
a besoin de                        = needs
n'a pas besoin de            = doesn’t need
les ciseaux                          = the scissors
(le/un) jeu                          = (the/a) game
s'amuse                               = have fun
amusant (m.)                     = fun
amusante (f.)                    = fun 
attend(1)                             = wait
attend(2)                             = wait
(le/un) casier                    = (the/a) locker
(la/une) ville                     = (the/a) city
(la/une) province            = (the/a) province
cent                                       = 100
(la/une) rivière = (the/a) river
(le) Château Frontenac = (the) Château Frontenac
le fleuve St. Laurent       = the St. Lawrence river
(le/un) musée                  = (the/a) museum
(le/un) restaurant           = (the/a) restaurant
(l') Océan Atlantique = (the) Atlantic Ocean
(le/un) million  = (the/a) million
(la) tour Eiffel   = (the) Eiffel Tower
(les) Champs Elysées = (the) Champs Elysées
(la) Seine                            = (the) Seine (river)
souligne                              = underline
(la/une) sorte                   = (the/a) sort
chaque                 = each
(l’/un) orthographe        = (the/a) spelling
(la/une) grammaire        = (the/a) grammar
(la/une) culture               = (the/a) culture
raconte                                = tell
(le/un) tour                        = (the/a) tour/turn
(la/une) partie  = (the/a) part
longtemps                          = longtime
spécial(e)                            = special
(l’/une) idée                      = (the/an) idea
long (m.)                             = long
longue (f.)                          = long
court (m.)                            = short
courte (f.)                           = short
retourne                              = return
tout de suite                      = right away
téléphone                          = telephone

Unit 3: “L'arbre Ungali”/ “Les animaux du bayou”


Section A

mieux                   = better
ils                                           = they (masculine)
elles                                      = they (feminine)
se cache                               = hide (oneself)
cache                                    = hide (something)
impressionné(e)              = impressed
mouillé(e)                          = wet
sec (m.)                                = dry
sèche (f.)                             = dry
stupide                = stupid
bonne chance                   = good luck
(l'/un) arbre                       = (the/a) tree
(le/un) guépard               = (the/a) leopard
(le/un) zèbre                     = (the/a) zebra
(l'/un) antilope = (the/a) antelope
(la/une) tortue = (the/a) tortoise
(le/un) lion                        = (the/a) lion
(le/un) pays                       = (the/a) country
(l') Afrique                         = Africa
depuis                                  = since
soif                                        = thirsty
bientôt                 = soon
(le/un) lac                           = (the/a) lake
(le/un) roi                           = (the/a) king
excuse-moi                        = excuse me
rapide                                   = fast
lui                                           = him
nous                                      = us/we
(la/une) forêt                    = (the/a) forest
(la/une) roche                  = (the/a) rock
revient                                 = comes back
vers                                       = towards
j'ai mal                                 = I’m sore
j'ai vu                                    = I saw
finalement                         = finally
bien sûr                               = of course
embrasse                            = hug

Section B

(la/une) gorge                  = (the/a) throat
(la/une) jambe = (the/a) leg
(le/un) bras                        = (the/a) arm
(le/un) ventre                   = (the/a) stomach
faim                                       = hungry
(le/un) biscuit                   = (the/a) cookie
(le/un) gâteau                  = (the/a) cake
(la/une) pomme              = (the/a)
délicieux (m.)                   = delicious
délicieuse (f.)                   = delicious
excepté                               = except
(la/une) magie = (the/a) magic  
(la/une) pluie                   = (the/a) rain
se                                           = to him/her/each other (reflexive)
assez                                     = enough
sage                                       = wise/well-behaved
(le/un) voyage = (the/a) trip
toujours                               = always/still
(le/un) parc                        = (the/a) park
sent                                       = smells
(le/un) nez                         = (the/a) nose
(la/une) fleur                    = (the/a) flower
(la/une) patte                   = (the/a) paw
aller chercher    = go get
répond                                 = answers
(la/une) nuit                      = (the/a) night
(le/un) lit                            = (the/a) bed
enseigne                             = teaches
apprend                               = learns
les mathématiques        = mathematics
les sciences                        = science
l'éducation physique = physical education
les sciences humaines = social studies
les arts                 = the arts
(l'/un(e)) élève                = (the/a) student
part                                        = leaves
déjà                                       = already
(le/un) magasin               = (the/a) store
paie                                       = pays
(l'/de l’)argent                  = (the/some) money
achète                                  = buys

Section C

(le/un) directeur (m.)    = (the/a) principal
(la/une) directrice (f.)= (the/a) principal
(le/un) bureau  = (the/a) (teacher’s)  desk OR (the/an) office
(l'/un) appartement       = (the/a) apartment
(le/un) bébé                      = (the/a) baby
apparaît                               = appears
disparaît                              = disappears
déchire                                = tears
à moi                                     = mine
à toi                                       = yours
à lui                                       = his
à elle                                     = hers
(le/un) taille-crayon      = (the/a) pencil sharpener
(le/un) désert                   = (the/a) desert
(l'/un) arbre baobab      = (the/a) baobab tree
riche                                      = rich
(la) boue                             = mud
(la/une) branche             = (the/a) branch
(la/une) robe boubou = (the/a) boubou dress
(le) couscous                     = (the) couscous
(le/un) poisson = (the/a) fish
(la/une) carotte               = (the/a) carrot
(l'/un) oignon                   = (the/an) onion
(l’/un) homme  = (the/a) man
(la/une) femme               = (the/a) woman
(l’/un) enfant                    = (the/a) child
(le) soccer                           = soccer
(le/un) sport                      = (the/a) sport
populaire                            = popular
dérange                               = bothers
pendant                               = during
embarassé(e)                    = embarrassed
frustré(e)                            = frustrated
puis                                       = then
(le/un) bâton                    = (the/a) stick
(le(la)/un(e)) partenaire = (the/a) partner
(la/une) place                   = (the/a) place
fier/fière                             = proud
(l'/une) oreille                 = (the/an) ear
bienvenue                          = welcome

(la/une) lune                     = (the/a) moon
tout/tous                            = all
toute                                     = all (f.)
(le/un) reflet                     = (the/a) reflection
(le/un) mouton = (the/a) sheep
(le/un) cheval    = (the/a) horse
(les/des) chevaux            = (the/some) horses

#2 – 1+ (play 2)

Boucles Violettes

Boucles Violettes             = Purple Locks
(l’/un) ours                         = (the/a) bear
(la/une) cuisine = (the/a) kitchen
gros                                       = big/fat                              
grosse                                   = big/fat (f.)
(l’) air                    = (the) air
trop                                       = too
(la/une) cuillère                = (the/a) spoon
(le/un) salon                      = (the/a) livingroom
(le/un) saxophone          = (the/a) saxophone
(la/une) clarinette           = (the/a) clarinette
parfait                   = perfect
parfaite                                = perfect (f.)
(le/un) genou    = (the/a) knee
se couche                            = lies down
(la/une) chambre à coucher =  (the/a) bedroom
moyen                  = average/so-so
moyenne                            = average/so-so (f.)
dur(e)                                   = hard
mou                                       = soft
molle                                     = soft (f.)
leur                                        = their
(l’/un) instrument           = (the/a) instrument


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