Friday, February 23, 2018

4K - Bonjour tout le monde!

4 K - Bonjour tout le monde!

Thanks for a great first week of new vocabulary, games and activities!

Next week we will begin learning our vocabulary for Le chat et a lune. Below is a copy of the vocabulary for the unit for you to review at home, along with our commonly used words that we will be using in class on a daily basis!

Merci bien!
Mme Soloway

Unit 2:  Le chat et la lune”

bonjour                                = hello
tout le monde                   = everyone/everybody
fait                                         = makes/does
(le/un) cercle                    = (the/a) circle
je                                            = I
m'appelle                           = am called
madame                              = Mrs.
monsieur                            = Mr.
t'appelles                           = are called (you)
s'appelle                             = is called (he/she)
tu (singulier)                      = you (followed by verb)
comment ça va?               = how are you?
dit                                          = says
ça va bien                            = (I am) fine
mal                                        = (I am) not well
comme ci, comme ça     = so-so
et                                            = and
toi                                          = you
lève-toi                                = get up
assieds-toi                          = sit down
saute                                     = jump
arrête                                   = stop
très                                        = very
marche                                 = walk
court                                     = run
c'est                                      = it is/it’s
fantastique                        = fantastic
les                                          = the (plural)
(l'/une) action = (the/an) action/gesture
quand                                   = when
la (féminin)                        = the
(la/une) classe = the/a class
de                                           = of/from
d'  ( +  voyelle)  = of/from
français                                = French
commence                         = start
finit                                       = finish
au revoir                              = goodbye
(l') eau                 = (the) water
boit                                        = drinks
si                                             = if/so
veut                                       = want
aller                                       = to go
(les/des) toilettes           = (the/some) toilets/washrooms
est-ce que                          = precedes a question (no direct translation in English)
peut                                      = can
                                            = where
est/es/suis                         = is/are/am
non                                        = no
oui                                         = yes
j'ai                                          = I have
oublié                                   = forgot/forgotten
fou (masculin)   = crazy
folle (féminin)                  = crazy
me rappelle                       = remember (I)
se rappelle                         = remembers (he/she)
ici                                           = here
là-bas                    = over there
maintenant                        = now
doit                                        = has to/must
parle                                     = speak/talk
seulement                          = only
en                                           = in
pas                                         = not
(l') anglais                           = (the) English
tombe                                  = falls
se lève                                 = gets up
s'assoit                                 = sits down
ça                                            = this/that
un                                           = a/one
(le/un) chapeau               = (the/a) hat
met                                        = puts on
enlève                                  = takes off
comme                                 = like
le (masculin)                      = the
(le/un) soulier = (the/a) shoe
(le/un) manteau              = (the/a) coat
qu'est-ce que                    = what
cherche                                = looks for
trouvé                  = found
il                                             = he
elle                                        = she
ou                                           = or
écoute                                  = listens
à/au/aux                             = to/at (au/aux = to the/at the)
(la/une) porte   = (the/a) door
ouvre                                    = open
ferme                                   = close
(le/un) livre                       = (the/a) book
(la/une) bouche               = (the/a) mouth
(les) yeux                            = (the) eyes
une (f.)                                 = a/one
excellent (m.)                   = excellent
excellente (f.)                   = excellent
je sais                                   = I know
je ne sais pas                     = I don’t know
va                                           = go
vient                                     = come
reste                                     = stay
ne…pas                                = negative (no direct English translation)
(l'/une) école                    = (the/a) school
regarde                                = look
bravo                                    = bravo
(la/une) fille                      = (the/a) girl
(le/un) garçon                   = (the/a) boy
pour                                      = for
comprend                           = understand
on                                           = one/we
sort                                        = go out/exit
entre                                     = enter
frappe                  = hit/knock
avec                                       = with
moi                                        = me
(la/une) salle                    = (the/a) room
traverse                               = cross
(la/une) ligne                    = (the/a) line
magique                              = magical
fatigué(e)                           = tired
vite                                        = quick/quickly
lentement                          = slowly
(la/une) chaise = (the/a) chair
(le/un) mot                        = (the/a) word
donne                                   = give
prend                                    = take
garde                                    = keep
laisse                                    = leave
(le/un) crayon                   = (the/a) pencil
merci                                    = thank you
de rien                 = you’re welcome
s'il te plaît                          = please
(la/une) feuille de papier = (the/a) piece of paper
sur                                          = on
sous                                       = under
(la/une) table                   = (the/a) table
(le/un) pupitre = (the/a) desk
(le/un) plancher              = (the/a) floor
(la/une) tête                     = (the/a) head
avoir                                      = to have
autre                                     = other
chaud (m.)                          = hot
chaude (f.)                          = hot
froid (m.)                            = cold
froide (f.)                            = cold
choisit                  = choose
a/as                                       = has/have
premier (m.)                      = first
première (f.)                     = first
deuxième                           = second
troisième                            = third
mais                                      = but
alors                                      = so
aussi                                      = also
(la/une) gomme              = (the/an) eraser
des                                         = some
(le/un) stylo                      = (the/a) pen
masculin                              = masculine
féminin                                = feminine
singulier                              = singular
pluriel                                  = plural
mon (m.)                             = my
ma (f.)                                  = my
mes (pl.)                              = my
ton (m.)                               = your
ta (f.)                                     = your
tes (pl.)                                = your
son (m.)                               = his/her
sa (f.)                                    = his/her
ses (pl.)                                = his/her
(le/un) chat                        = (the/a) cat
(le/un) chien                     = (the/a) dog
(le/un) cochon  = (the/a) pig
(le/un) loup                       = (the/a) wolf
efface                                   = erase
(la/une) faute                   = (the/a) mistake
 voici                                      = here is
l'  ( + voyelle/h)                = the
(l’/une) histoire               = (the/a) story
trois                                       = three
grand (m.)                           = big
grande (f.)                          = big
petit (m.)                            = small
petite (f.)                            = small
joue                                       = play
(la/une) guitare               = (the/a) guitar
gentil(le)                             = nice
méchant (m.)                    = mean
méchante (f.)                    = mean
travaille, (le/un) travail  = work, (the/a) work
(un) peu                              = (a) little
beaucoup                            = a lot
aime                                      = likes/loves
(la/une) musique            = (the/a) music
danse                                    = dance
chante                  = sing
(la/une) maison               = (the/a) house
paille                                    = straw
content (m.)                      = happy
contente (f.)                      = happy
triste                                     = sad
(le) bois                               = (the) wood
(la/une) brique = (the/a) brick
(le/un) jour                        = (the/a) day
du (m .)                                = of the/from the
entend                                 = hears
parce que                            = because
qu'est-ce qui se passe?= what’s happening?
crie                                        = shouts
tout à coup                         = all of a sudden
voit                                        = sees
souffle                 = blows
fort (m.)                               = strong
forte (f.)                              = strong
tellement                           = so
que                                        = that
monte                  = goes up, climbs
descend                               = goes down, descends
par                                         = through/by
(la/une) cheminée         = (the/a) chimney
fais attention                    = pay attention
il y a                                       = there is/are
(la/une) soupe                 = (the/a) soupe
(le/un) feu                         = (the/a) fire
dans                                      = in
au secours!                         = help!
frappe                  = clap   
(la/une) main                    = (the/a) hand
pleure                                  = cries
(la/une) fin                        = (the/an) end
pourquoi                             = why
aujourd'hui                        = today
pense                                   = thinks
(l'/un) ami (m); (l'/une) amie (f) = (the/a) friend; (the/a) friend
pardon                 = pardon
(le/un) vidéo                     = (the/a) video
(la/une) télé/télévision= (the/a) TV/television
(la/une) pièce                   = (the/a) play
(l'/un) acteur                     = (the/a) actor
répète                                  = repeat
mémorise                           = memorize
présente                             = present
(la/une) famille               = (the/a) family
(la/une) mère (maman) = (the/a) mother (mom)
(le/un) père (papa)        = (the/a) father (dad)
(la/une) grandmère (grandmaman) = (the/a)grandmother (grandma)
(le/un) grandpère (grandpapa) = (the/a) grandfather (grandpa)
(le/un) frère                      = (the/a) brother
(la/une) soeur                  = (the/a) sister
(la/une) gardienne         = (the/a) babysitter
(l’/un) animal    = (the/an) animal
(la/une) poubelle           = (the/a) garbage
apporte                                = brings
(la/une) lettre = (the/a)letter
deux                                      = two
quatre                                  = four
cinq                                       = five
six                                          = six
sept                                       = seven
huit                                        = eight
neuf                                      = nine
dix                                          = ten
(la/une) minute               = (the/a) minute
(le/un) parent                   = (the/a) parent
(la/une) personne          = (the/a) person
(la/une) chose = (the/a) thing
ce n'est pas                        = it is not
prêt (m.)                              = ready
prête (f.)                             = ready
même                                   = same
different (m.)                    = different
différente (f.)                   = different
(un/le) groupe  = (the/a) group
(le/un) point                     = (the/a) point
aide                                       = helps
compte                                = counts
(le/un) nombre                = (the/a) number
onze                                      = eleven
douze                                   = twelve
treize                                    = thirteen
quatorze                              = fourteen
quinze                                  = fifteen
seize                                     = sixteen
dix-sept                               = seventeen
dix-huit                                = eighteen
dix-neuf                              = nineteen
vingt                                      = twenty
trente                                   = thirty
quarante                             = forty
cinquante                           = fifty
soixante                              = sixty
combien de                        = how many
(le/un) nom                       = (the/a) name
(la/une) chanson             = (the/a) song
qui                                         = who
(le/un) lecteur de disque compact          = (the/a) compact disc player
(le/un) disque compact  = (the/a) compact disc
peur                                      = afraid
(la/une) fois                      = (the/a) time
lit                                            = reads
(le/un) doigt                      = (the/a) finger
tourne                  = turn
(la/une) page                    = (the/a) page
(le/un) narrateur             = (the/a) narrator
(le/un) personnage        = (the/a) character
taille                                     = sharpen
casse                                     = break
(le/un) problème            = (the/a) problem
par accident                       = by accident
désolé(e)                            = sorry
bon (m.)                              = good
bonne (f.)                           = good
écrit                                       = write
copie                                     = copy
coche                                    = checkmark
tout le temps                    = all the tim
passe                                    = pass/hand out
ramasse                               = collect
colorie                  = colour
(la/une) couleur              = (the/a) colour
rose                                       = pink
gris (m.)                               = gray
grise (f.)                               = gray
jaune                                    = yellow
brun (m.)                             = brown
brune (f.)                            = brown
rouge                                    = red
(le/un) cahier                    = (the/a) workbook
(la/une) chemise             = the folder (also “shirt”)
(le/un) côté                       = (the/a) side
presque                               = almost
(la/une) chance                = (the/a) chance
(le/un) couloir  = (the/a) hallway
(la/une) carte                    = (the/a) card
(la/une) boîte                   = (the/a) bin/box
encore                  = again
(la/une) question            = (the/a) question
(la/une) réponse             = (the/a) answer
après                                     = after
(la/une) marionnette    = (the/a) puppet
être                                       = to be
en ordre                              = in order
dessine                                = draw
gagné                                    = won
(le/un) prix                        = (the/a) prize
plus                                       = more
(le/un) test                        = (the/a) test
change                 = change
(la/une) phrase                = (the/a) sentence
complet (m.)                     = complete
complète (f.)                     = complete
bizarre                  = bizarre
corrige                  = correct
(la/une) poche = (the/a) pocket
(le/un) sac                          = (the/a) bag
mange                  = eat
(la/une) balle                    = (the/a) ball
(la/une) semaine            = (the/a) week
lundi                                     = Monday
mardi                                    = Tuesday
mercredi                             = Wednesday
jeudi                                     = Thursday
vendredi                             = Friday
samedi                 = Saturday
dimanche                            = Sunday
hier                                        = yesterday
était                                      = was
c'était                                   = that/it was
demain                                = tomorrow
prochain (m.)                    = next
prochaine (f.)                    = next
coupe                                   = cut
(la/une) queue = (the/a) line (also “tail”)
(le/un) numéro                = (the/a) number
quel(le)                               = what/which
(la/une) date                     = (the/a) date
(le/un) mois                      = (the/a) month
(la/une) année                 = (the/a) year
septembre                         = September
octobre                                = October
novembre                           = November
décembre                           = December
janvier                  = January
février                                  = February
mars                                      = March
avril                                       = April
mai                                        = May
juin                                        = June
juillet                                    = July
août                                       = August
mille                                     = thousand
chuchote                             = whisper
signe                                     = sign

Unit 2:  “Comment  y aller?”/ “Boucles Violettes”


Section A

d'accord                               = okay
le contraire                        = the opposite
(la/une) fenêtre              = (the/a) window
(la/une) lumière              = (the/a) light
(l'/un) ordinateur            = (the/a) computer
perdu                                    = lost
bleu(e)                                 = blue
vert (m.)                              = green
verte (f.)                              = green
violet (m.)                          = purple
violette (f.)                        = purple
noir(e)                                  = black
blanc (m.)                           = white
blanche (f.)                        = white
orange                                  = orange
porte                                     = wears
(les/des) vêtements      = (the/some) clothing
(le/un) pantalon              = (the/some) pants
(le/un) t-shirt                    = (the/a) T-shirt
(la/une) robe                    = (the/a) dress
(la/une)  jupe                    = (the/a) skirt
dehors                  = outside
(la/une) récréation         = (the/a) recess
(le/un) piano                     = (the/a) piano
devant                                  = in front
derrière                               = behind
à côté de                             = beside
(le/la) meilleur(e)          = (the) best
excité(e)                             = excited
montre                                 = shows
nouveau/nouvel (m.)    = new
nouvelle (f.)                      = new
habite                                   = lives
Québec                                = Quebec
(le) Canada                         = Canada
Paris                                      = Paris
(la) France                          = France
décide de                            = decides to
près de                 = close to
loin de                                  = far from
y                                              = there
(le/un) pied                       = (the/a) foot
vrai                                        = true
conduit                                = drives
(l’/une) auto                      = (the/a) car
(la/une) policière            = (the/a) policewoman
(la/une) rue                       = (the/a) street
ça marche                           = it works
ça ne marche pas             = it doesn’t work
vraiment                             = really
dommage                           = too bad
quand même                     = anyways
(le/un) train                       = (the/a) train
(le/un) conducteur         = (the/a) conductor
(le/un) bateau                  = (the/a) boat
(le/un) capitaine             = (the/a) captain
en haut                                = above
en bas                                   = below
vole                                       = flies
(le/un) ciel                         = (the/a) sky
dedans                 = inside
(le/un) extraterrestre = (the/a) extraterrestial
(la/une) soucoupe volante = (the/a) flying saucer
(la/une) terre                    = (the/a) earth
arrive                                    = arrives
parti(e)                                = left
(l'/un) avion                      = (the/a) plane
te                                            = you
quelque                               = some/several
quelque chose                  = something
quelqu'un                           = someone
quelquefois                       = sometimes
(le) temps                           = (the) weather
pleut                                     =  rains
(le/un) soleil                     = (the/a) sun
brille                                     = shines
(le/un) nuage                    = (the/a) cloud
neige                                    = snow
(la/une) tante                   = (the/a) aunt
(l’/un) oncle                      = (the/a) uncle
(le/un) cousin (m.)         = (the/a) cousin
(la/une) cousine (f.)       = (the/a) cousin
ensemble                           = together
important (m.)  = important
importante (f.) = important
(l'/une) expression        = (the/an) expression
dort                                       = sleeps
se réveille                          = wakes up
utilise                                   = uses
par exemple                      = for example
s'en aller                             = to get going
croit                                       = believes
pauvre                  = poor
bouge                                   = moves
ne bouge pas                     = doesn’t move
sourit                                    = smiles
lève                                       = raise
baisse                                   = lower
(l’/un) enseignant (m.) = (the/a) teacher
(l’/une) enseignante (f.) = (the/a) teacher
quatrième                          = fourth
cinquième                          = fifth
sixième                                = sixth
(l’/un) image                     = (the/a) picture 
(le/un) château                = (the/a) castle
(la/une) tour                     = (the/a) tower

Section D

lance                                     = throws
attrape                                 = catches
(l'/une) activité                = (the/an) activity
difficile                                = difficult
facile                                     = easy
dernier (m.)                       = last
dernière (f.)                       = last
correct (m.)                        = correct
correcte (f.)                        = correct
cette (f.)                              = this
ce (m.)                  = this
ces                                         = these
(le/un) chandail               = (the/a) sweater
passé(e)                              = past
continue                              = continues
(le/un) spectateur          = (the/a) spectator
(le/un) dos                         = (the/a) back
(l’/un) espace                   = (the/a) space
avant                                     = before
beau                                      = handsome
belle                                     = beautiful
fâché(e)                               = mad
rit                                           = laughs
drôle                                     = funny
surpris (m.)                        = surprised
surprise (f.)                        = surprised
intelligent (m.) = intelligent
intelligente (f.) = intelligent
malade                 = sick
peut-être                            = maybe
(l'/un) escalier  = (the/a) stairs
(la/une) pizza                    = (the/a) pizza
(le/un) sandwich             = (the/a) sandwich
(la/une) salade = (the/a) salade
(le/un) déjeuner             = (the/a) breakfast
 je vais                                   = I go/am going
(les/des) vacances          = (the/some) holidays
espère                                  = hopes
(la/une) présentation = (the/a) presentation
essaie                                   = tries
lave                                       = washes
se lave                  = washes oneself
sal(e)                                    = dirty
propre                  = clean
(les) cheveux                    = (the) hair
(le/un) visage                   = (the/a) face
tout seul (m.)                    = all alone
toute seule (f.) = all alone
me                                         = me (reflexive)
(l’/un) oiseau                    = (the/a) bird
(le/un) rôle                        = (the/a) role
(le/un) costume               = (the/a) costume
(la/une) voix                     = (the/a) voice
demande                            = asks
ont                                         = have (plural)
vont                                       = go (pl.)
font                                       = make/do (pl.)
sont                                       = are (pl.)
a besoin de                        = needs
n'a pas besoin de            = doesn’t need
les ciseaux                          = the scissors
(le/un) jeu                          = (the/a) game
s'amuse                               = have fun
amusant (m.)                     = fun
amusante (f.)                    = fun 
attend(1)                             = wait
attend(2)                             = wait
(le/un) casier                    = (the/a) locker
(la/une) ville                     = (the/a) city
(la/une) province            = (the/a) province
cent                                       = 100
(la/une) rivière = (the/a) river
(le) Château Frontenac = (the) Château Frontenac
le fleuve St. Laurent       = the St. Lawrence river
(le/un) musée                  = (the/a) museum
(le/un) restaurant           = (the/a) restaurant
(l') Océan Atlantique = (the) Atlantic Ocean
(le/un) million  = (the/a) million
(la) tour Eiffel   = (the) Eiffel Tower
(les) Champs Elysées = (the) Champs Elysées
(la) Seine                            = (the) Seine (river)
souligne                              = underline
(la/une) sorte                   = (the/a) sort
chaque                 = each
(l’/un) orthographe        = (the/a) spelling
(la/une) grammaire        = (the/a) grammar
(la/une) culture               = (the/a) culture
raconte                                = tell
(le/un) tour                        = (the/a) tour/turn
(la/une) partie  = (the/a) part
longtemps                          = longtime
spécial(e)                            = special
(l’/une) idée                      = (the/an) idea
long (m.)                             = long
longue (f.)                          = long
court (m.)                            = short
courte (f.)                           = short
retourne                              = return
tout de suite                      = right away
téléphone                          = telephone

Unit 3: “L'arbre Ungali”/ “Les animaux du bayou”


Section A

mieux                   = better
ils                                           = they (masculine)
elles                                      = they (feminine)
se cache                               = hide (oneself)
cache                                    = hide (something)
impressionné(e)              = impressed
mouillé(e)                          = wet
sec (m.)                                = dry
sèche (f.)                             = dry
stupide                = stupid
bonne chance                   = good luck
(l'/un) arbre                       = (the/a) tree
(le/un) guépard               = (the/a) leopard
(le/un) zèbre                     = (the/a) zebra
(l'/un) antilope = (the/a) antelope
(la/une) tortue = (the/a) tortoise
(le/un) lion                        = (the/a) lion
(le/un) pays                       = (the/a) country
(l') Afrique                         = Africa
depuis                                  = since
soif                                        = thirsty
bientôt                 = soon
(le/un) lac                           = (the/a) lake
(le/un) roi                           = (the/a) king
excuse-moi                        = excuse me
rapide                                   = fast
lui                                           = him
nous                                      = us/we
(la/une) forêt                    = (the/a) forest
(la/une) roche                  = (the/a) rock
revient                                 = comes back
vers                                       = towards
j'ai mal                                 = I’m sore
j'ai vu                                    = I saw
finalement                         = finally
bien sûr                               = of course
embrasse                            = hug

Section B

(la/une) gorge                  = (the/a) throat
(la/une) jambe = (the/a) leg
(le/un) bras                        = (the/a) arm
(le/un) ventre                   = (the/a) stomach
faim                                       = hungry
(le/un) biscuit                   = (the/a) cookie
(le/un) gâteau                  = (the/a) cake
(la/une) pomme              = (the/a)
délicieux (m.)                   = delicious
délicieuse (f.)                   = delicious
excepté                               = except
(la/une) magie = (the/a) magic  
(la/une) pluie                   = (the/a) rain
se                                           = to him/her/each other (reflexive)
assez                                     = enough
sage                                       = wise/well-behaved
(le/un) voyage = (the/a) trip
toujours                               = always/still
(le/un) parc                        = (the/a) park
sent                                       = smells
(le/un) nez                         = (the/a) nose
(la/une) fleur                    = (the/a) flower
(la/une) patte                   = (the/a) paw
aller chercher    = go get
répond                                 = answers
(la/une) nuit                      = (the/a) night
(le/un) lit                            = (the/a) bed
enseigne                             = teaches
apprend                               = learns
les mathématiques        = mathematics
les sciences                        = science
l'éducation physique = physical education
les sciences humaines = social studies
les arts                 = the arts
(l'/un(e)) élève                = (the/a) student
part                                        = leaves
déjà                                       = already
(le/un) magasin               = (the/a) store
paie                                       = pays
(l'/de l’)argent                  = (the/some) money
achète                                  = buys

Section C

(le/un) directeur (m.)    = (the/a) principal
(la/une) directrice (f.)= (the/a) principal
(le/un) bureau  = (the/a) (teacher’s)  desk OR (the/an) office
(l'/un) appartement       = (the/a) apartment
(le/un) bébé                      = (the/a) baby
apparaît                               = appears
disparaît                              = disappears
déchire                                = tears
à moi                                     = mine
à toi                                       = yours
à lui                                       = his
à elle                                     = hers
(le/un) taille-crayon      = (the/a) pencil sharpener
(le/un) désert                   = (the/a) desert
(l'/un) arbre baobab      = (the/a) baobab tree
riche                                      = rich
(la) boue                             = mud
(la/une) branche             = (the/a) branch
(la/une) robe boubou = (the/a) boubou dress
(le) couscous                     = (the) couscous
(le/un) poisson = (the/a) fish
(la/une) carotte               = (the/a) carrot
(l'/un) oignon                   = (the/an) onion
(l’/un) homme  = (the/a) man
(la/une) femme               = (the/a) woman
(l’/un) enfant                    = (the/a) child
(le) soccer                           = soccer
(le/un) sport                      = (the/a) sport
populaire                            = popular
dérange                               = bothers
pendant                               = during
embarassé(e)                    = embarrassed
frustré(e)                            = frustrated
puis                                       = then
(le/un) bâton                    = (the/a) stick
(le(la)/un(e)) partenaire = (the/a) partner
(la/une) place                   = (the/a) place
fier/fière                             = proud
(l'/une) oreille                 = (the/an) ear
bienvenue                          = welcome

(la/une) lune                     = (the/a) moon
tout/tous                            = all
toute                                     = all (f.)
(le/un) reflet                     = (the/a) reflection
(le/un) mouton = (the/a) sheep
(le/un) cheval    = (the/a) horse
(les/des) chevaux            = (the/some) horses

#2 – 1+ (play 2)

Boucles Violettes

Boucles Violettes             = Purple Locks
(l’/un) ours                         = (the/a) bear
(la/une) cuisine = (the/a) kitchen
gros                                       = big/fat                              
grosse                                   = big/fat (f.)
(l’) air                    = (the) air
trop                                       = too
(la/une) cuillère                = (the/a) spoon
(le/un) salon                      = (the/a) livingroom
(le/un) saxophone          = (the/a) saxophone
(la/une) clarinette           = (the/a) clarinette
parfait                   = perfect
parfaite                                = perfect (f.)
(le/un) genou    = (the/a) knee
se couche                            = lies down
(la/une) chambre à coucher =  (the/a) bedroom
moyen                  = average/so-so
moyenne                            = average/so-so (f.)
dur(e)                                   = hard
mou                                       = soft
molle                                     = soft (f.)
leur                                        = their
(l’/un) instrument           = (the/a) instrument

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